
Only drivers mentioned in the rental agreement are allowed to drive a vehicle.

The minimum age is 21 years old, but it could be higher for certain vehicles.

The minimum rental period is 1 day (24 hours).

However, it's always best to check the specific terms and conditions on our website or by contacting us directly. In some cases, there might be exceptions or special offers that could affect the minimum rental period.

You can conveniently book your car rental online through our website. We offer a user-friendly platform to search for vehicles, compare rates, and complete your reservation.

The price of your car rental depends on the type of car you choose, how long you need it , the season you travel, and any extras you add on (like child seats or GPS). 

All drivers must hold a valid driving license for at least 1 year. For more information over the accepted Driving License per country of origin

Our cancellation policy varies depending on the specific rental rate and booking time. Please review the terms and conditions during the booking process for details on cancellation fees and deadlines.

Yes, a deposit is required in most cases. Check the rental agreement for the deposit amount.

No. You can only drive within Greece.

Contact the insurance company's roadside assistance in case of a breakdown.

Contact the police and insurance company in case of an accident.

Unfortunately, we cannot guarantee a specific car model due to availability. However, you can reserve a car by category (e.g., compact, SUV) and we will provide a similar car from that category upon pick-up.

No, smoking is strictly prohibited in all our rental vehicles. A cleaning fee will be applied if the car is returned with evidence of smoking.

If your credit card is declined during pick-up, you will need to provide an alternative valid form of payment (acceptable credit card or debit card depending on location) to secure the rental.

You are responsible for any parking tickets or traffic violations incurred during your rental period. We will typically forward any fines to you along with an administration fee.

Unfortunately, due to insurance regulations and time constraints, test drives are not typically offered for rental vehicles.

If you have more questions feel free to contact us!